Our Purpose

We exist to join parents in the call to evangelize and disciple children to know and love God through Jesus Christ. With the Bible as our foundation, we strive to create a safe, purposeful and age-appropriate atmosphere that fosters intentional relationships for children to grow and families to thrive.

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To serve the littlest worshippers of Maranatha, a nursery is available during each service. We have volunteers to pray over and play with your children ages 0-2 years old, keeping in mind that 2 year olds are invited to attend Sunday School. The nursery is located in the south hallway of the main church building.

Sunday School

During September to May, children ages 2 years through 5th grade are invited to join our team of volunteers as they sing songs, learn about the Bible, and build relationships. Sunday School is offered from 10:45-11:45am during our Discipleship Group hour in the Children's Wing of the Ministry Center.


As children enter into the pivotal elementary years, the Awana Elementary program ensures that kids are not only knowledgeable of God's Word but are able to apply His truth to their lives and face anything as disciples of Christ. Join us on Wednesdays from 6pm-7:30pm September-April.